Paying city taxes and fees by credit card

■ Fujiyoshida City Tax & Fee Credit Card Payment System

As of 11:00 am on May 2, 2022 payment of city taxes and fees may be processed online through the [F-REGI] service

※ Payments may be made 24 hours any day of the week up until 11:30PM on the day prior to the payment deadline.

■ Applicable taxes and fees

・市民税(shimin-zei): Resident Tax
・固定資産税(kotei-isan-zei): Property Tax
・都市計画税(toshi-keikaku-zei):City Planning Tax
・軽自動車税(kei-jidosha-zei): Light Vehicle Tax
・国民健康保険税(kokumin-kenko-hoken-zei): National Health Insurance Tax
・介護保険料(kaigo-hoken-ryo): Long-Term Care Insurance​ Fee
・後期高齢者医療保険料(koki-koreisha-iryo-hoken-ryo: Latter-Stage Elderly Healthcare Insurance Fee
・公営住宅家賃(kouei-jutaku-yachin) : Rent for Public Housing

■ What you'll need

〇 Valid payment slip
〇 Internet connection and computer/smartphone/tablet
〇 Credit Card
 ・American Express
 ・Diners Club

■ Please confirm the following prior to payment

○ You may not pay by credit card in person at the city hall, the bank, or convenience store.
○ Payments may only be made until 11:30 pm (23:30) on the night before the payment deadline.
○ You will not receive a receipt for payments made. Those who require a receipt should pay in person at any of the locations indicated on the back side of the payment slip.
○ Tax Payment Certificates (納税証明書 - nozei-shomeisho) may be issued 2 weeks after payment. Those who require one quickly should apply in person at any of the locations indicated on the back side of the payment slip.
○ The Certificate of Payment for Light Motor Vehicle Tax will be sent by post in June (only for those who have made their payment by the deadline)
○ Any costs associated with internet use are the sole responsibility of the user.

■ List of Handling Fees

Payment Amount Fee (Tax Included)
  1 JPY ~ 10,000 JPY 110 JPY
  10,001 JPY ~ 20,000 JPY 220 JPY
  20,001 JPY ~ 30,000 JPY 330 JPY
  30,001 JPY ~ 40,000 JPY 440 JPY
  40,001 JPY ~ 50,000 JPY 550 JPY
any further amount will be charged 110 JPY for every 10,000 JPY

■ Access to Payment Site

QR Code to Access F-Regi Public Payment Service

■ Inquiries & Concerns

〇 For English Assistance: 0555-24-1236 (ext. 638)
〇 For Taxes & Fees: 0555-22-1111 (ext. 121 / 122)
〇 For Public Housing Rent: 0555-22-1111 (ext. 289)

You can also email us: iadfuji@city.fujiyoshida.lg.jp

Inquiries about contents
Fujiyoshida Office of International Affairs
Address:6-1-1 Shimoyoshida Fujiyoshida-shi Ymanashi
E-Mail:Click here.