Pregnancy & Childcare
There are several systems and services in place to assist you in pregnancy and parenthood.

▶ Getting Pregnant

Inferitlity Treament Subsity
 不妊治療費補助 "funin-chiryo-hojo"

In order to minimize the financial and emotional burden that couple's face while dealing with infertility, a portion of the cost of treatment may be subsidized.

〇 What treatments are covered?
 - General Infertility Treatments
 - Specialized Infertility Treatments

〇 How much can you receive and how long?
 - The subsidy will cover half of treatment costs
  (up to ¥100,000) up to 2x a fiscal year up to 10x total.


子育て支援課 "kosodate-shien-ka"
0555-22-1111 (Ext: 562) *Japanese only
0555-24-1236 (Int'l Affairs Office)
Office located in building on the north side of City Hall

▶ During Pregnancy

Mother-Child Health Booklet
 母子健康手帳 "boshi-kenko-techo"

The mother-child health handbook is a tool to help ensure the health of mom and baby and serves as a detailed record of mom's condition during pregnancy and baby's development until three years of age. You will receive information regarding prenatal and postpartum care as well as vaccinations and other services at the same time.

Once your pregnancy has been confirmed by a doctor, please register your pregnancy at City Hall to receive your handbook.

Prenatal Care Assistance
 妊娠一般健康診査の助成 "ninshin-ippan-kenko-shinsa-no-josei"

Upon registering your pregnancy you will also receive payment vouchers to help offset the cost of prenatal check ups.

Motherhood Classes 母親学級 "hahaoya-gakkyu"

Classes are offered for new and expecting moms on lifestyle and nutrition during pregnancy, and how to care for your new baby. Class schedules will be provided when you register your pregnancy.

Health Consultations for Expectant and Nursing Mothers 妊産婦健康相談 "ninsanpu-kenko-sodan"

A team of public health staff, midwives and nutritionists will answer any of your concerns.


健康長寿課 "kenko-choju-ka" 健康推進担当 "kenko-suishin-tanto"
0555-22-1111 (Ext: 771) *Japanese only
0555-24-1236 (Int'l Affairs Office)
Office located on 1F East Wing of City Hall

▶After your baby is born

Notification of Birth 出生届 "shussei-todoke"

Please register the birth of your child at the Citizen's Affairs Section (市民課 "shimin-ka") within 14 days of birth.
Please see more on notification of birth here.

Birth Report Form 出生連絡票 "shussei-renraku-hyo"

This form was given to you when you received your mother-child health handbook. It should be filled out by your doctor and submitted when you come to file your notification of birth (see above)

The information provided on this form including birth weight, and concerns at the time of birth will be useful for the public health nurses who will be performing home visitations in the weeks following the birth of your child.

Childbirth Lump Sum Allowance 出産育児一時金 "shussan-ikuji-ichijikin"

*for those on national health insurance* please come to the Citizen's Affairs Section (市民課 "shimin-ka") following the birth of your child.

personal seal, insurance card, receipt and detailed statement of cost issued by the hospital, agreement form for direct payment to the hospital (医療機関直接支払い制度合意書 -"iryo-kikan-chokusetsu-shiharai-seido-goisho"), bank account information for head of household, individual number card
What you recieve
404,000JPY (those who have given birth in a facility that is a member of the Japan Obstetric Compensation System 産科医療補償制度 will be compensated 420,000JPY)

Those who are on employer insurance should consult with their employers on policy and procedures prior to giving birth.
Typically in this case, the lump sum is paid directly to the hospital where you've delivered and you are responsible for
covering the difference.

Children`s Medical Support Allowance 子育て応援医療費の助成 "kosodate-oen-iryohi-no-josei"

All medical expenses between 0 years of age to the first March 31st following your child's 15th birthday will be subsidized.

Who is Covered?
All children up to 15 years of age who live in the city
・children who have been admitted to a disability facility
・households that are receiving welfare payments
・those who do not have insurance
・those who are receiving other medical support.

What is Covered?
All out-of-pocket expenses associated with medical care & medicine covered by health insurance

Hospital/clinic care, dental care, prescriptions, chiropractic care, prosthetics, prescription glasses (for children up to 9)
・anything that is not covered by insurance
・meals during hospitalization
・care resulting from an injury caused by a third party
 (such as in a car accident)
・injuries that may be covered by natural disaster coverage
・care covered by other government allowance programs

Newborn and Infant Visitations 新生児・乳児家庭訪問 "shinseiji-nyuji-katei-homon"

In order to support you in your care of a newborn, public health workers and nurses will conduct home visitations to advise you on anything you need assistance with and to measure your newborn's development and progress.

Vaccinations 予防接種 "yobo-sesshu"

Babies have weak immune systems and require vaccinations to prevent life-threatening illnesses.

※ Please call your clinic of choice and make reservations for vaccinations before arriving. See full list of clinics here.

※ Please bring the following when you go to get your child vaccinated:
  □ Mother-Child Health Handbook
  □ Insurance Card
  □ Medical Questionnaire Form

Legally Mandated Vaccinations
・Hib・Pediatric pneumococcus (小児肺炎球菌)・DPT-IPV (四種混合)・BCG ・Measles & Rubella (麻しん風しん)・Japanese encephalitis (日本脳炎)・chickenpox (水ぼうそう)・hepatitis B (B型肝炎)・DT (二種混合) ・HPV (子宮がん)
Subsidized Elective Vaccations
Mumps (流行性耳下腺炎)・Rotavirus (ロタウイルス)
・Seasonal Flu (季節性インフルエンザ)


健康長寿課 "kenko-choju-ka" 感染症担当 "kansensho-tanto"
0555-22-1111 (Ext: 771) *Japanese only
0555-24-1236 (Int'l Affairs Office)
Office located on 1F East Wing of City Hall

Infant Health Checks / Consultations 乳幼児健診・相談 "nyuyoji-kenshin-sodan"

・Checking for age appropriate development
・Pediatric medical & dental care
・Nutritional & dental health consultations
・Child-rearing consultations

※ Dates and times will be published in the Japanese City Magazine. Anyone with concerns regarding their child's development may call for advice at any time.

▶ Emergency Medical Care for your Baby

Early Pediatric Emergency Medical Center
小児初期救急医療センター "shoni-shoki-kyukyu-iryo-senta"

☎ 24-9977 📍 2-7-21 Midorigaoka

Hours of Operation

Weekdays  7:30PM - 11:30PM
 (appointments from 8:00PM - midnight)
Saturdays  2:30PM - 11:30PM
 (appointments from 3:00PM - midnight)
 8:30AM - 11:30PM
 (appointments from 9:00AM - midnight)

This facility located on the 2nd floor of the Fuji Northern Base Regional Medical Center (富士北麓総合医療センター "fuji-hokuroku-sogo-iryo-senta") is for when your child has developed a fever or other concerning symptoms on a holiday or in the middle of the night

Please call before arriving on site.

Medical services offered here exclude care for impact trauma, burns, injuries and fractures. In the event of an emergency of this nature please call an ambulance (119) or go directly to the on-call hospital. Find the on-call schedule ≪ here ≫.

▶ Raising your Baby

Prenatal / Postpartum Care Room
 産前産後ケアルーム "sanzen-sango-kea-rumu"

This is a quiet space for pregnant women and women who are up to 5 months postpartum (and their baby) to rest and relax. Here you can get advice on pregnancy, childbirth and raising children, and practice bathing your baby. In the common space, you can chat with other moms and participate in baby massage and exercise classes.

Baby Food Classes 離乳食教室 "rinyushoku-kyoshitsu"

A class for parents of 6-7 month old babies. Taste-test different baby foods while learning about nutrition.

Development Classes すこやか教室 "sukoyaka-kyoshitsu"

A class for parents who many have concerns regarding speech development, hyperactivity, overall care.


※ Please call and make a reservation if you wish to use any of these facilities or participate in any of these classes

健康長寿課 "kenko-choju-ka" 健康推進担当 "kenko-suishin-tanto"
0555-22-1111 (Ext: 771) *Japanese only
0555-24-1236 *English (Int'l Affairs Office)
Office located on 1F East Wing of City Hall

Family Support Center ファミリー・サポート・センター

A service for parents who need a little extra childcare support. Parents are paired with a registered caretaker who can watch your child (from 0 years old to 6th grade) under the following circumstances:

・when parents have an unavoidable engagement
・when mom is is late in her pregnancy, taking care of a newborn, ill, or hospitalized.
・when the child is recovering from illness and cannot stay with the family.
・when parents suddenly need to work or do overtime.

Type of Service COST PER HOUR
 M ~ F [ 7AM-7PM ] 700 JPY
 M ~ F [ early AM / overnight ] 800 JPY
 Weekends / Holidays 800 JPY
 Care of a sick child above prices + 100 JPY


子育て支援課 "kosodate-shien-ka"
0555-22-1111 (Ext: 562) *Japanese only
0555-24-1236 *English (Int'l Affairs Office)
Office located in building on the North Side of City Hall

▶ For Single Parents

Single Parent Household Medical Support Allowance /u> ひとり親家庭医療費の助成 "hitori-oya-katei-iryohi-no-josei"

Medical expenses for the parent and child(ren) in a single-parent household or a child without parents will be subsidized.

What to Bring
personal seal, insurance card, receipt and detailed statement of cost issued by the hospital, agreement form for direct payment to the hospital (医療機関直接支払い制度合意書 "iryo-kikan-chokusetsu-shiharai-seido-goisho"), bank account information for head of household, individual number card
  ・households receiving welfare payments
  ・households who had their income taxed the year prior

Inquiries about contents
Fujiyoshida Office of International Affairs
Address:6-1-1 Shimoyoshida Fujiyoshida-shi Ymanashi
E-Mail:Click here.